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Lockdown 2 and Deepening My Creative Journey

In the weeks before lockdown number 2 I was putting all my energy into mounting and framing up my work and taking it to various venues for display. I feel fortunate for these opportunities but as we entered our second lockdown all these venues closed their doors, so I've had to refocus my energy of my online presence instead.

My feelings about the second lockdown are slightly different to the first one. Last time I felt a lot of solidarity and resolve to get through this challenging time this time I am flagging somewhat. It is for that reason I am so grateful for my creativity and my desire to use the second lockdown deepen my creative practise.

If you want to support me on my journey please you can do so by visiting my shop, following me on instagram and facebook. I am also taking part in Erskine's Festive Art Auction, and Tarvin's Online Craft Fair. Take a look.

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